
Monday, December 31, 2012

Way Back When...

So yesterday evening I decided that I wanted to spend my evening looking through old photos.  I got in the attic and dug out the bin, dragged it down the stairs, and into the living room.  Now mind you this is easier said then done. Lol.  The bin is quite heavy, and our attic was a mess.  So I had to some-what organize it before I could even get the bin out of the attic.  The next task?  Getting it down the stairs without crushing myself.  Although this was a totally possible task, at the time it seemed, impossible.  So as I slowly and careful slid the been down the stairs, with me in front of it guiding the way, I was terrified that it would crush me! :P  Once I accomplished that task, and managed not to crush myself, I grabbed a cup of coffee and my mom did the same. We then sat down and started to go through the bin of photo albums.  

The first album I looked through was filled with baby pictures of little Luke (The eldest.).  Luke was born 6 weeks premature, and weigh about 4 pounds.  He was SO itty bitty!  We found a weight chart in that album and come to find out that Oliver, who is 4 months old weighs a little over 9 pounds, and was 2 weeks early weighs less then Luke did!  When Luke was 3 months old he weighed 12 pounds!  Crazy right?

I then found a bunch of baby photos of my self that I never knew we had!  I was an extremely chubby baby, I had some pretty cute rolls. ;)

We also found bunches of photos a Luke, Caleb, and I.  We were like the three amigos, the three adorable amigos that is. :)
Cute right?  So fun fact!  When I was a baby my parents would say "Lyssa, make your poochie face!"  and I would do this...

In all of the photos that my parents have of me I am smiling like there is no tomorrow. :)  Well I mean we do have one photo where I was upset, cause they put my swim suit on me and I didn't want it on.  So....I threw a fit.   I was still cute though. ;P   Here is another photo, that I just love.  I'm actually looking at the Camera, Luke is smiling at me and I'm not sure what Caleb is doing.... Lol.
But we were cute kids! :)  We were only able to go through part of the bin last night, we still have many more albums to look through, and my dad also claims that there is another bin in the attic.  The wonderful adventure will continue this evening!  
